docЭлектронная запись к врачу на сайте doctor71 и по телефону 8−800−450−33−03



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8 910 557-51-14
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с 8.00 до 19.00

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8 (4872) 31-90-10

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+7 (4872) 77-05-19

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Medical tourizm


Medical tourizm

GOZ TO "Tula Regional Clinical Hospital"

THE HOSPITAL was founded in 1867. Currently, It Is the budget institution of specialized, high-tech medical care, which operates 14 specialized surgical and 13 specialized therapeutic departments, including a day hospital, the Regional Vascular Center. Common Bed Fund counts 950 beds.

The institution provides specialized high-tech medical care (VMP) in 14 profiles: gastroenterology, hematology, rheumatology, neurosurgery, gynecology, ophthalmology, cardiovascular, abdominal, thoracic surgery, cardiosurgery, urology, oncology, otorhinolaryngology, traumatology and orthopaedics.

The hospital has a clinical and diagnostic center with a capacity of 350 visits per day with daily treatment of the patient. Every year the institution holds about 250,000 consultations in 41 specialties.

More than 30 thousand patients receive inpatient specialized care in 27 medical profiles, more than 15 thousand operations are carried out. Surgical activity of the hospital reached 76%.

The institution has more than 2,000 employees.

The hospital employs 2 doctors of medical sciences, 14 candidates of medical sciences, 1 candidate of biological sciences and 16 doctors, wich have the honorary titles Honored Doctor of the RSFSR" and "Honored Doctor of the Russian Federation."

The institution cooperates with leading clinics of the Russian Federation.

The Tula Regional Clinical Hospital is the flagship in medicine of the Tula region. The hospital is equipped with modern medical equipment. Patients are able to receive a treatment in single or double wards (rooms of high comfort).

The latest technologies in the field of VMP have been mastered.

About 2,500 operations are carried out per year, including more than 1,000 X-ray surgery operations.

For 2018 and 2019, the following were held:

  • 3 transplantations of a kidney
  • 5 tromboekstraktions
  • 2 endovascular prosthetics of belly department of an aorta
  • 3 plasticityes of chronic occlusions of a subclavial artery at a stil-syndrome.

In 2018, 29,630 people were treated, оf these, 632 are foreign nationals.

X-ray surgery operations

Contact Information for Foreign Visitors

Yablochkov St., 1, Tula, Tula Region, 300053

Email Addresses

Hospital certificate (pass bureau)
Ph. 8 (4872) 48-66-30

Chief Medical Officer of the Hospital
Savischeva Anna Alexandrovna
Ph. 8 (4872) 48-65-04

Price list for paid medical and other services (procedures)
